Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lim Kit Siang tempelak Chua Soi Lek

Lim Kit Siang
Tenang b/e shown bankruptcy of MCA "fear/scare" tactics n preparedness of Chinese voters outside urban belt to support PAS 4PR common policy

Lim Kit Siang
Biggest loser in Tenang-MCA/CSL.Will CSL have courage 2tell Umno tt Chinese voter-swing not Chinese spprt 4IslamicState but 4change justice?

Lim Kit Siang
Would have hit 3 of 4 aims in Tenang if not for rain/floods causing poor turnout esp Chinese areas. Scored 2 of 4 aims, missing BN 08 maj.
Lim Kit Siang
Said last nite PR can celebrate if achieve 3 of 4 aims:Debunk Muhyddn boast of 5k majority/Slash 08 BN maj 2492/Secure >55% Chinese votes.
Lim Kit Siang
Unoff: LabisTengah Pas 851(1013) Bn365 (504). Pas vote in this 95.7% Chinese maj centre increased 3.2% to 70% despite 20% fall in turnout.

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