Thursday, January 5, 2012

Pemuda PAS minta penjelasan,kenapa sekat kuliah Maghrib.

TAIPING: PAS Perak mendesak sekatan mengadakan kuliah subuh dan maghrib di Masjid Daerah Taiping ditarik balik.

Setiausaha Pemudanya, Salman Saleh berkata, pihaknya sangat terkejut dengan surat yang ditampal di masjid tersebut.

“Saya sendiri terkejut apabila terbaca notis yang ditampalkan di papan kenyataan masjid tersebut ketika saya singgah menunaikan solat di situ,” katanya

Tambahnya, PAS memohon dengan kadar segera penjelasan daripada pihak Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Melayu Negeri Perak terhadap penangguhan tersebut.

“Pihak kami berasa terpanggil tentang masalah ini dan bimbang suasana yang sedang berlaku tersebut kerana usaha ini secara jelas menghalang program atau aktiviti ilmu yang sepatutnya tidak disekat sama sekali,” ujarnya.

Justeru, PAS Perak berharap pihak yang terbabit segera memberikan penjelasan kepada kariah masjid tersebut.

Katanya, Pemuda PAS sudah menghantar surat kepada Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Melayu Negeri Perak dan memohon respon tentang notis tersebut secepat mungkin.


  1. ke nih ? majlis agama islam tak benar ceramah/kuliah agama..? masya allah.. Malaysia,malaysia.

  2. Nik Aziz is no longer the flower-power, no longer the obstacle of Muslim unity.
    Nik Abduh, his son is more reasonable...can see reason and rationale of REASONING.

    Even if MCA join hands with DAP (more Chinese power in Malaysian politics), PAS, God Willing, InsyaAllah, will finally wake up,and PAS AND UMNO WILL UNITE, - with ISLAM in mind- UNDER THE bigger flagship of BARISAN NASIONAL.

    PAS will realise that ISLAMIC UNITY to fight the common enemies of Islam (internal and external), (fasiqs, munafiqs,Zionists and the American Foreign Policy) is of utmost importance for the survival of Islam in the motherland.

    Muslims will finally see the biggest MUSLIM UNITY the country has ever seen.
    (this will anger Anwar, PKR and their Foreign sponsors)

    The MCA withdrawal from BN, is the end of the Malaysian formal chinese representation in the Malaysian Ruling Coalition, BUT it will also accelerate and will spell the dawn of a NEW ERA of PAS-UMNO Islamic Unity, which will only strengthen the ruling BN, through the decades that follow.

    InsyaAllah, God Willing.

